Faith that Endures is Rewarded

If you are anything like me, then you realize how very difficult it is to maintain enduring faith. There have been times when I was sure God had abandoned me. At other times, pushed to the brink of despair by secular influences that want to destroy my faith. Through the low times, I have been able to defeat the purveyors of doubt and unbelief with two Bible arguments that are not disputable by honest people seeking the truth. One is the origins of life, and the other is Bible prophecy.

If men could prove that life started in some way other than God created they would be the god of their life and answer to no one. It was the first lie ever spoken and relates to the rebellious condition of men. Science is doing it's very best to prove life developed independently of God. There is no definitive, scientific evidence that proves life started in any way other than God created if you are willing to research the subject and learn what science knows and what science thinks it knows. One is fact, and one is a theory! The reality is that it takes a Creator to start something from nothing.

Bible prophecy (predicting the future) can be the greatest faith-building tool in the Bible. Did you know that 25% of the Bible is devoted to predicting the future? There are just over one thousand prophecies in the Bible. Half, have already been fulfilled, including documented events such as the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the modern restoration of present day Israel. All remaining prophecy can be linked to the second coming of Jesus and the world without end. Many of these remaining predictions are being realized in this generation and witnessed by any person willing to observe the times or search the scriptures to learn what they are.

Living life through enduring faith is a long and sometimes difficult journey but always worthwhile in the end. Some of the great Bible characters of faith could only see the results of their faith from afar off, but they never wavered through the hard times."These men of faith I have mentioned died without ever receiving all that God had promised them; but they saw it all awaiting them on ahead and were glad, for they agreed that this earth was not their real home but that they were just strangers visiting down here. In the end, their faith was rewarded.” (Heb.11:13) Will you be one who walks by faith and not by sight? “We live by what we believe will happen, not by what we can see.” (2 Cor. 5:7) Start an exciting life of faith by reading “Beam me up Commander.” It’s free.