Sneak Peek into Eternity

Sneak Peek into Eternity

NASA’S new James Webb space telescope recently viewed what astronomers believe to be the birth of the universe. The earliest galaxy observed by the new telescope is estimated to have originated just over 13 billion years ago when the Big Bang created an expanding world. The distance is measured by the time it takes the light to travel from there to here. To better understand the equation one must know the relative speed of light. Light travels 186,282 miles per second. It will take 8 minutes for light to travel from the sun to the Earth. It will take 4 years for sunlight to travel to the next closest star in our galaxy. In other words, to get to Alpha Centauri the nearest star to our solar system would take 4 years traveling at the speed of light. SpaceX's CEO Elon Musk is planning a manned trip to Mars by 2026. He estimates it will take between six and eight months to complete the journey. The spaceship will need to reach 25,000 mph to arrive at the red planet within that time frame. Far short of any serious space travel. These simple calculations only serve to confirm the immense size of the material universe. It's not clear whether the scientists believe they have viewed the end of the world or simply can’t see any further. One thing is clear, men can only explore three dimensions. There are at least two more dimensions we can consider.

When we think of space we think of an area void of material objects. A living room without furniture but a living room never-the-less. Space can only be measured by light. Our sun is a ball of fire that lights up our 9 planets' solar system. Sunlight is energy that can be measured. Albert Einstein the renowned mathematician argued that space and time were relative and that the speed of light was the constant that connected the two. This makes time the 4th dimension. Time is only relative in three dimensions. To get to the 5th dimension you must pass through time, for the 5th dimension is immeasurable. When God created the material world He did it from the 5th dimension. At the same time, He created light to measure His creation. “In the beginning, God created heaven and the earth. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” (Gen.1:1,3) Starlight is not needed in the 5th dimension because God is the light of that world. “There will never be night again. People will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun. The Lord God will give them light.”(Rev. 22:5) Turns out time is our enemy it ends all things material from stars to human life. Thank God He is the light of our life, because of Him we are eternal, and time has no dominion over our life.

What NASA’S new telescope sees beyond the origin of light is Eternity an immeasurable space with no end. Eternity is the habitation of God where all things live forever, some in the presence of God and some in outer darkness. “I say to you that many will come from east and west, and will sit down to feast at the table, and enjoy God’s promises with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven because they accepted Me as Savior,  while the sons and heirs of the kingdom the descendants of Abraham who will not recognize Me as Messiah will be thrown out into the outer darkness.” (Matt. 8:11,12) Will you choose light over darkness? Read “Study More” to find out where you fit into God's eternal plan.