Life and Death

All the questions about life and death can be answered in the life and death of Jesus Christ. Jesus's birth was unlike any other human birth. He was conceived by God with a virgin named Mary. God is a spirit, Mary was a human. The conception was supernatural, Mary remained a virgin but was expectant with a child. God was the father of Jesus and Mary was his mother. Jesus was born a  human but without the infectious strain of Adam’s sin. He was born to eradicate the sin of all humans born to Adam's race. At age 33 he was crucified and died.“Then Jesus shouted, “Father, I commit my spirit to you,” and with those words, he died.” (Luke 23:46) Like all human beings Jesus was born with three dynamic parts, a material body, a soul, and spirit. “May your spirit and soul and body be kept strong and blameless.” (Thess. 5:23) When Jesus's material body died his spirit and soul remained alive and active. Jesus was a unique man with supernatural attributes. All other humans are waiting to be granted the same attributes. God is the father of all believers and Jesus is our elder brother. “Looking at those around him he said, “These are my mother and brothers!  Anyone who does God’s will is my brother, and my sister, and my mother.”(Mark 3:34,35) This simply means what happened to Jesus at his physical death happens in the same way to all of us. Since we are part of the family of God we commit our spirit to God and instantly move from the material dimension to the spiritual dimension. Perhaps this is the portal traveled to reach the light at the end of the tunnel. 

After his physical death, Jesus was able to move from one dimension to the other with ease. He moved back and forth at will sometimes appearing and disappearing instantly from miles apart. The only way to achieve instant travel is through teleportation. “ A method of transportation in which matter is converted into energy at one point and re-created in original form at another.”   Jesus moved in and out of the 3rd dimension for 40 days after his physical death with no apparent barriers. At one time passing through a closed door. “Eight days later the disciples were together again, and this time Thomas was with them. The doors were locked; but suddenly, as before, Jesus was standing among them and greeting them.”(John 20:26) All spirit beings have the capacity to transcend dimensions. “Don’t forget to be kind to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!” (Heb. 13:2) The apostle Paul explained how this transition is possible. “For just as there are natural, human bodies, there are also supernatural, spiritual bodies.  Just as each of us now has a body like Adam’s, so we shall someday have a body like Christ’s. These perishable bodies of ours are not the right kind to live forever. But I am telling you this strange and wonderful secret: we shall not all die, but we shall all be given new bodies!  For our earthly bodies, the ones we have now that can die must be transformed into heavenly bodies that cannot perish but will live forever.”(1Cor.:43-53) In the 40 days Jesus spent on earth after his death and before he went to Heaven he was witnessed by over 500 people. He appeared to be in human form but his body had been transformed into a supernatural body.“ He appeared to Peter and then to the twelve apostles.  After that Christ appeared to more than 500 other believers at the same time.  Then he appeared to James and later to all the apostles.” (1Cor.15:5-7)     

In the beginning, God created Adam in His image with a body, soul, and spirit to live in Earth's environment forever. Adam was a free moral agent and decided he could make better decisions than God. So, he set out on his own and broke the law of God, placing his descendant in jeopardy, and separated from God's eternal plan. Jesus was the new Adam surpassing the penalty of sin and death for all believers. Just as Jesus was changed at death in an instant, so shall all his brothers and sisters. “When this happens, then, at last, this Scripture will come true—“Death is swallowed up in victory.” O death, where then your victory? Where then your sting? For sin—the sting that causes death—will all be gone; and the law, which reveals our sins, will no longer be our judge.”(1Cor. 15:54-56) For more about God’s plan for your life read “Beam me up Commander” it's free!