Panic or Pandemic Plague

The digital age of communication has managed to boost the coronavirus to pandemic proportions within a few short weeks. Tune into any news program and you can keep up with the number of cases worldwide, you can follow the number of deaths attributed covid-19 and you can become overly anxious about your future. The networks like to keep us informed with every detail, true or false, their ratings approval demands it. Networks and news outlets all believe they are the backbone of our progressive societies. In our upside-down world, it's hard to know who you can trust or what sources generate the news. I sometimes wonder if the networks think we the people are too naïve or stupid to deal with the truth. I think in their contempt for the general public they feel justified in deceiving us for our own good! There is an excess of political implications at the center of the news these days that force people to choose sides. I grew up believing news should be unbiased, silly me.

In the year 1918, the influenza virus killed over 50 million people worldwide, half a million in the U.S. alone. Influenza and coronavirus are similar in contagious infection and symptoms. According to the CDC over 40 thousand people died from the common flu in 2019. All three viruses have much in common, the danger of death comes when the virus invades the lungs causing bacterial pneumonia. One hundred years ago antibiotics were not available to stop the influenza pandemic from killing millions of people. Today the flu can be stopped in its tracts if treated early enough. It is not a death sentence and should not be thought of in such dramatic terms. The panic (fear of the unknown) is doing more destructive harm than the virus.

The government can't save us from all the roadblocks we face in a lifetime but God can be our refuge if we are willing to take Him at His word. “We live within the shadow of the Almighty, sheltered by the God who is above all gods. This I declare, that he alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him.  For he rescues you from every trap and protects you from the fatal plague.”(Psalm 91:1-3) In describing the last days Jesus made it clear perilous times would come, which included plagues and epidemics.“There will be violent earthquakes, and in various places famines and [deadly and devastating] pestilences (plagues, epidemics); and there will be terrible sights and great signs from heaven.”(Luke 21:11)AMP  If you are a Christian trust God's word and don’t panic. If you would like to be a Christian read “The Fall and Restoration of Man”.