The Truth About The New Roman Empire


The old Roman Empire was one the most significant civilization on record. At the height of Roman imperialism, it managed to conquer or occupy territory that covered 500 million square miles surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Most of Europe, all of the Middle East, and North Africa were a part of Rome. The Empire grew so large that it could not be governed from a central location and had to be divided into two separate, yet equally powerful territories: Eastern and Western. Although ancient Rome introduced many extraordinary innovations that are still being used today in modern society, it was also one the most decadent! For most of its existence, Rome practiced depraved lifestyles and worshiped multiple deities at the same time.   

Daniel was a young Israelite with supernatural wisdom. As a teen, he was abducted and taken to Babylon where he served the King. One day the King had a troubling dream and asked Daniel to interpret it for him. Because Daniel was full of faith, God gave him special insight into the future and showed him the meaning of the King's dream. The dream was the image of a great statue whose head was gold, his chest and arms were made of silver, and his belly and thighs of brass. His two legs were iron and his feet a mixture of iron and clay. Daniel explained to the King that the head of the image represented the Babylonian Kingdom. The rest of the statue’s body characterized four fierce empires that would follow Babylon. Breast and arms, (Medo-Persia empire), belly and thighs, (Grecian empire), two legs of iron (Old Roman empire), and feet of iron and clay mixed (a revived Roman empire). The first four empires have come and gone. The last has yet to develop. The final empire is a 10 nation federation that will come from within the borders of Old Rome. Feet and toes of iron and clay it is the last dominant world power before Jesus comes back to earth and takes control. Daniel then finished the interpretation.  

While you were looking at the statue, you saw a rock that was cut loose, but not by human hands. Then the rock hit the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them. No one could tell that a statue had ever been there. Then the rock that hit the statue became a very large mountain and filled up the whole earth. (Daniel 2:34,35)

The New Roman Empire, Daniel predicted, is in the developing stages and can be witnessed by anyone willing to look. New alliances are being shaped at this very moment that will result in the formation of a powerful 10 nation confederation. It will happen where the fires of unrest are the greatest, the Old Roman Empire. If you are interested in the future of a rapidly changing world, then put your phone down and keep your eyes on this part of the world. There are three disturbing features that old, and new Rome have in common. First, paganism, the decline of Christianity and the rise of Chrislam an unholy mix of Islam and Christianity. Second, social immorality, the acceptance and encouragement of every form of perverted sexual behavior. Thirdly, a prevailing anti-Christ sentiment resulting in a great falling away of the Christian faith. For more about the end of days read “Beam me up Commander,” it's free.